Hancock County Trustee - Chuck Johnson

1237 Main Street
P.O. Box 269
Sneedville, TN 37869
(423) 733 2939 Fax (423) 733-2934
email: hctrustee@bellsouth.net
Deputy Clerk: Crimson Sutton
Hours of Operation: Monday thru Friday, 8:00 am - 4:00 pm; closed Saturday & Sunday ** Exception: February only-Saturdays 8:00 am to 12:00 pm
The trustee acts as the general banker for the county, serving three primary functions. First, the trustee sends out statements for property taxes, one of the county’s most important revenue sources, and then collects these taxes and issues receipts. The trustee appoints the delinquent tax attorney subject to the approval of the county mayor. Second, the trustee receives and disburses county funds, keeping accurate records for each transaction. It is recommended that all county funds received by the trustee’s office be deposited daily; however, state law requires all funds to be deposited within three days. Revenues are identified by use of a uniform chart of accounts authorized by the comptroller’s office and administered by the county audit division. Disbursements of county funds are made on official county warrants that are recorded in a warrant register book, or through a checking system if the county has elected to convert from a warrant system. The trustee files monthly and annual financial reports. For performing these duties, the trustee receives commissions, which are generally outlined in T.C.A. § 8-11-110. A third important function of the county trustee is managing the cash flow of the county and, in some cases, investing idle cash funds. The trustee should work with the county finance committee to ensure that investments are made according to state law and produce the maximum yield of earnings with the highest degree of safety.
Important Dates
October 1 - February 28: Taxes are payable without interest and penalty
March 1 and later: Interest and penalty of 1 1/2% added each month.
Additional Information
2024 County Tax Rate is: $2.22 per $100.00 of value
To qualify for tax relief, you must provide the following:
- Proof and copies of previous year income for each member of the household
- Proof and copies of disability and age
- Copies of Social Security cards and Medicare cards
- Title or Bill of Sale if you are living in a mobile home
- Date of birth
- Phone and Address of individual applying for tax relief.
- All prior and current property taxes must be paid in full on the property in which you are applying for tax relief.
Components of the Property Tax
Property taxes in Tennessee are calculated utilizing the following four components:
- Appraised Value
- Assessment Ratio
- Assessed Value
- Tax Rate
The Appraised Value for each taxable property in a county is determined by the county property assessor. This amount is an estimate of market value based on an establised set of tables, manuals, and procedures mandated by state staute, and is intended to provide an equal treatment of all properties in the jurisdiction for tax purposes.
The Assessment Ratio for each different class of property is established by Tennessee Constitution, Art. 2, 28 and TCA 67-5-801 state law as follows:
Real Property
Ratio Property Classification
25% Residential/Farm
40% Commercial/Industrial
55% Public/Utility
Tangible Personal Property
Ratio Property Classification
30% Commercial/Industrial
55% Public Utility
The Assessed Value is calculated by multiplying the appraised value by the assessment ratio.
The Tax Rate for each county and municipality is set by the County Commission based on the amount of monies budgeted to fund the provided services. These tax rates vary depending on the level of services provided and the total value of the county's tax base.

How to Calculate Your Property Taxes
The example below is for a typical residential property with an Appraised Value of: $50,000.00 and using the most recent Hancock County Tax Rate of $2.22 per $100.00 of Assessed Value.
Step 1: Multiply the Appraised Value times the Assessment Ratio
$50,000 X 25% = $12,500-This gives you the property's Assessment Value
Step 2: Multiply the Assessment Value times the Example below, using the 2019 rate of $2.22.
Example: $12,500 X 2.22 = $27750 and divide by 100 and that will be $277.50
This gives you the amount of the county property tax bill for Hancock County. The billing amount you receive on your actual tax bill may vary slightly based on the method used for rounding.
*The tax rates for the current tax year are established by the County Commission in July of that year. The best possible estimate of taxes made between January 1st and July is done by utilizing the tax rates from the previous year.

Tax payments can be made by cash, check, money order, debit or credit card (MasterCard or Visa). A processing fee of 2.75% of tax bill and convenience fee of $1.00 will be charged at the time the card is processed. Online payments can be made (same fees apply) by MasterCard, Visa, or Discover at the following websites: tennesseetrustee.org